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4th MPPN Annual Meeting in Acapulco, Mexico 2016

Publicado el: November 14th, 2016 Por MPPN

High Level Representatives from 31 countries and nine international agencies gathered in Acapulco last November and approved a five point communique, that among other things

  • Endorsed the use of the MPI in the SDGs to track Target 1.2
  • Agreed to support the development of national MPIs
  • Agreed to develop policy tools that link to multidimensional measures
  • Called on the strengthening and expansion of the Network
  • Endorsed the use of the MPI to shape the programming of international actors.

The event also saw the launch of a new MPPN website – in both English and Spanish – as well as a new Magazine Dimensions, full of policy applications of MPI and country studies – and a set of in-depth policy briefings. In future these new publications will enable countries to share with each other in greater detail how they are using the MPI for resource allocation, policy coordination, and so on.

The Acapulco meeting offered a safe and lively place for meaningful South-South exchange.

  • Sharing was extensive. Ministers and senior speakers from 30 countries shared their groundbreaking work on multidimensional poverty underway in Colombia, China, Ecuador, South Africa, Chile, Seychelles, Costa Rica, Honduras, Paraguay, Morocco, Peru, and Tunisia.
  • Mexico offered a pre-conference training by CONEVAL on institutionalizing and communicating multidimensional poverty measures, and Mexican ministers shared their experiences in using multidimensional poverty measures to guide policy in a panel.
  • Countries shared work-in-progress on MPI including Argentina, Chad, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Cote d’Ivoire, Jamaica, Panama, St Lucia, and Uganda.
  • In-depth perspectives on policy uses of MPIs were offered by OPHI, China, South Africa, Costa Rica, and Colombia.
  • Country voices were complemented by keynote speakers included Luis Felipe Lopez Calva of the World Bank, Heike Kuhn of BMZ, and Martin Evans of UNICEF as well as Khalid Abu-Ismail of UN-ESCWA. The detailed agenda may be found here.

We want to thank SEDESOL and CONEVAL for their full support. We also want to recognize the strong support offered by the State Government of Guerrero, the Mexican Government’s agency, AMEXID, and support for the event from the World Bank, CAF and GIZ-Mexico.

We want to thank all those who came to Acapulco. We also want to encourage all of the Network participants to attend the next meeting—to be held in Beijing in October of 2017.

Important Info:

Final Meeting Communiqué
Press Release (EnglishSpanish)
Media Coverage

Watch a video on the MPPN
Agenda (English, Spanish)
Concept Note (English, Spanish)
Hashtag of the event: @ophi_oxford    #MPPN2016MX