
Foto: United Nations


Joined MPPN: 2013

Global MPI

For details of the latest available global MPI data for Iraq, please visit the global MPI country briefing of Iraq and the most recent global MPI data tables.


The Ministry of Planning in the Government of Iraq participates in the MPPN. At the launch of the network in June 2013, Dr Amal Shlash presented work done in Iraq to develop an MPI using five dimensions: education, nutrition and health, standard of living, employment and basic services.

The Iraq Central Statistical Office and the Kurdistan Region Statistical Office have been working on multidimensional approaches to poverty measurement for some time. These government entities have developed a national Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) as part of the 2013 and 2014 National Human Development Report. This effort is supported by UNDP’s Iraq Office, and the Iraq Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit (IAU).