
MPPN Annual Meeting 2016: Testimonials (videos)

9 January, 2017

Testimonials from the participants of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network Annual Meeting 2017 in Acapulco, México.

Heidi Berner
Deputy Secretary of Social Evaluation, Ministry of Social Development, Chile

Tatyana Orozco
General Director, Department of Social Prosperity, Colombia

Ana Monge
Technical Commissioner, Presidential Social Council, Costa Rica

Susset Rosales
Researcher, National Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of Economy and Planning, Cuba


Gonzalo Hernández L.
Executive Secretary of Coneval, Mexico


Michelle Muschett
Vice-Minister, Ministry of Social Development, Panama


Héctor Cárdenas
Minister of Social Action, Paraguay

Marie Josee Bonne
Special Adviser, Ministry of Social Affairs, Community Develop. and Sports, Seychelles

Pali Lehohla
Director General of Statistics,                    South Africa

Noel González


Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian
Organization of American States (OAS)






Khalid Abu-Ismail
Chief of the Economic Development and Poverty Section, UN-Escwa



Martin Evans
Senior Advisor, Poverty, Unicef

Annual Meeting México