
Posts de la categoría ‘Annual Meeting’

4th MPPN Annual Meeting in Acapulco, Mexico 2016

Publicado el: November 14th, 2016 Por MPPN

High Level Representatives from 31 countries and nine international agencies gathered in Acapulco last November and approved a five point communique, that among other things

  • Endorsed the use of the MPI in the SDGs to track Target 1.2
  • Agreed to support the development of national MPIs
  • Agreed to develop policy tools that link to multidimensional measures
  • Called on the strengthening and expansion of the Network
  • Endorsed the use of the MPI to shape the programming of international actors.

The event also saw the launch of a new MPPN website – in both English and Spanish – as well as a new Magazine Dimensions, full of policy applications of MPI and country studies – and a set of in-depth policy briefings. In future these new publications will enable countries to share with each other in greater detail how they are using the MPI for resource allocation, policy coordination, and so on.

The Acapulco meeting offered a safe and lively place for meaningful South-South exchange.

  • Sharing was extensive. Ministers and senior speakers from 30 countries shared their groundbreaking work on multidimensional poverty underway in Colombia, China, Ecuador, South Africa, Chile, Seychelles, Costa Rica, Honduras, Paraguay, Morocco, Peru, and Tunisia.
  • Mexico offered a pre-conference training by CONEVAL on institutionalizing and communicating multidimensional poverty measures, and Mexican ministers shared their experiences in using multidimensional poverty measures to guide policy in a panel.
  • Countries shared work-in-progress on MPI including Argentina, Chad, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Cote d’Ivoire, Jamaica, Panama, St Lucia, and Uganda.
  • In-depth perspectives on policy uses of MPIs were offered by OPHI, China, South Africa, Costa Rica, and Colombia.
  • Country voices were complemented by keynote speakers included Luis Felipe Lopez Calva of the World Bank, Heike Kuhn of BMZ, and Martin Evans of UNICEF as well as Khalid Abu-Ismail of UN-ESCWA. The detailed agenda may be found here.

We want to thank SEDESOL and CONEVAL for their full support. We also want to recognize the strong support offered by the State Government of Guerrero, the Mexican Government’s agency, AMEXID, and support for the event from the World Bank, CAF and GIZ-Mexico.

We want to thank all those who came to Acapulco. We also want to encourage all of the Network participants to attend the next meeting—to be held in Beijing in October of 2017.

Important Info:

Final Meeting Communiqué
Press Release (EnglishSpanish)
Media Coverage

Watch a video on the MPPN
Agenda (English, Spanish)
Concept Note (English, Spanish)
Hashtag of the event: @ophi_oxford    #MPPN2016MX

Presentations from the 2016 MPPN Meeting

Publicado el: November 10th, 2016 Por MPPN

Participants from more than 30 countries and international agencies gathered at the 4th Annual Meeting of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN) on the 8 and 9 of November, 2016, in Acapulco, Mexico. This conference was an opportunity for sharing experiences on multidimensional poverty measurement among a growing network of countries and experts from around the world.


Keynote Speeches

World Bank Luis-Felipe López-Calva, Co-Director of World Development Report 2017
Capabilities, Multidimensionality, and the Monitoring of Global Poverty
Heike Kuhn, Head of Unit, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, BMZ, Germany Keynote Speech
UNICEF Martin Evans, Senior Advisor, Poverty Keynote Speech


Pre-Conference Workshop “Fundamentals of Mexico Multidimensional Poverty Measurement”

Mexico National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) Ricardo Aparicio Jiménez – Deputy Director General of Poverty Analysis, CONEVAL
Enrique Minor Campa – Director of Measurement and Monitoring Poverty Indicators, CONEVAL
Luz María Uribe Vargas – Director of Norms and Poverty Measurement Methodology, CONEVAL


Inaugural Session and Opening Remarks

Mexico and OPHI MPPN Organizers Hector Astudillo – Governor of the State of Guerrero
Gonzalo Hernández Licona – Executive Secretary of CONEVAL
Sabina Alkire – Director, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI), University of Oxford, Secretariat of MPPN
Luis Enrique Miranda Nava, Mexican Minister for Social Development
OPHI Sabina Alkire, Director, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative Introduction and Overview of the MPPN Meeting pdf-icon-transparent-background2


Sharing of Practice on Multidimensional Measurement

Colombia Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz, Director of the Department for Social Prosperity, Colombia  El IPM como Instrumento para la Construcción de la Paz  pdf-icon-transparent-background2
China Ou Qingping, Vice-Minister, State Council Leading Group Office for Poverty Alleviation and Development
Ecuador Roberto Castillo, Technical Coordinator of Innovation in Metrics and Analysis of Information, National Institute of Statistics and Census pdf-icon-transparent-background2
South Africa Bathabile Olive Dlamini, Minister of Social Development Intervention pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Chile Heidi Berner Herrera, Deputy Secretary of Social Evaluation, Minister of Social Development Ampliando la Mirada sobre la Pobreza y la Desigualdad en Chile pdf-icon-transparent-background2


Round-Table Discussion “Results Multidimensional Poverty Measurement in Mexico: National Strategy for Inclusion”

Mexico Moderator: Gonzalo Hernandez Licona, Executive Director, CONEVAL Vice-ministers from the Federal Government of Mexico


Sharing of Practice on Multidimensional Measurement, Part 2

Marie-Josee Bonne, Special Adviser on Social Development, Ministry of Social Affairs, Community Development and Sports Republic of Seychelles: The Route towards Developing our National MPI pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Costa Rica Ana Monge Campos, Technical Commissioner, Presidential Social Council El IPM en Costa Rica pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Paraguay Lyliana Gayoso de Ervin, General Director of Analysis of Public Policies, Technical Secretary of Planning of Economic and Social Development Multidimensional Poverty Index for Paraguay pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Morocco Mrs. Fouzia Daoudim, High Commission of Planning The Moroccan Experience pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Peru Nancy Hidalgo Calle, Technical Director of Demography and Social Indicators, National Institute of Statistics and Informatics
Perú: Pobreza Multidimensional Avances en su Medición
Lofti Fradi, President of the Committee of Global Balances and Statistics, Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation


Sharing of Practice on Multidimensional Measurement, Part 3

Maria Eugenia Perez Ponsa, Member, National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies
Argentina: Hacia la Construcción de la Medición de la Pobreza Multidimensional
Chad Tiro Raoul Mbaïogoum, Head of the Department of Social Statistics, National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies
Cape Verde Celso Herminio Soares Ribeiro, Vice-Chair, National Institute of Statistics
Cuba Susset Rosales Vázquez, Researcher, National Institute of Economic Research of the Ministry of Economy and Planning
Indice de Pobreza Multidimensional. Primeros Acercamientos a la Medición en Cuba
Dominican Republic Edwin Gomez, Economist, Department of Analysis of Economic Information, SIUBEN
Mohair Metwaly Ahmed, Senior Statistician, CAPMAS Using HIECS for Impact Evaluation and Targeting Tools pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Honduras Miguel Zuñiga, Subsecretary, Program Vida Mejor
Côte d’Ivoire Nguessan Gabriel Doffou, Director of the Statistical Office, Ministry of Planning and Development
Jamaica Christopher O’Connor, Policy Analyst, Planning Institute
Panama Michelle Muschett, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Social Development Medición Multidimensional de la Pobreza en Panamá pdf-icon-transparent-background2
St. Lucia Edwin St. Catherine, Director of Statistics, Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Social Security Multidimensional Poverty Index: St. Lucia 2015 pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Uganda Ben Paul Mungyereza, Executive Director, Bureau of Statistics


Side Event on Cooperation for Development: “Multidimensional Poverty Methodologies for Effective International Development Cooperation Policies that Ensure No One is Left Behind”, AMEXCID and GIZ


Sharing Experiences and Case Studies

OPHI Gisela Robles Aguilar, Research Officer The Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and the SDGs pdf-icon-transparent-background2
China Zuo Changsheng, Director General, International Poverty Reduction Centre, China Poverty Registration and Precisely Targeted Multidimensional Poverty Alleviation in China pdf-icon-transparent-background2
South Africa Pali Lehohla, Director General of Statistics South Africa Making MPI Work pdf-icon-transparent-background2
UN-ESCWA Khalid Abu-Ismail, Chief of the Economic Development and Poverty Section Multidimensional Poverty in Arab Countries: National and Regional Initiatives pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Costa Rica Jose Aguilar Berrocal, Executive Director, Horizonte Positivo Innovaciones con IPM en Alianza Público Privada pdf-icon-transparent-background2
Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz, General Director, Department of Social Prosperity
El IPM como Instrumento para el Fortalecimiento de la Política Pública


Final Communiqué pdf-icon-transparent-background2

Delegates’ Perspectives on the MPPN Annual Meeting 2015

Publicado el: November 2nd, 2015 Por MPPN


cherise xiaolin musa
Cherise Adjodha. Programme Analyst. Poverty Reduction Portfolio. Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. Xiaolin Wang. Director of Research Division. International Poverty Reduction Center. China


Musa Jega Ibrahim. Islamic Development Bank
jose-aguilar jorge-ramon-hernandez ibrahim
Jose Aguilar. Executive Director, Horizonte Positivo. Costa  Rica Jorge Ramon Hernandez. Minister, General Coordination. President’s Office. Honduras Ibrahima Dieng. Head of Division. Pro-Poor Policies. Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning. Senegal


enver celia bijan
Enver Tasti.   Turkish Statistical Institute. Turkey.  Celia M. Reyes. Senior Research Fellow, PIDS and CBMS Network Leader. The Philippines.


Bijan Pant. Advisor to the Prime Minister. Nepal.
pali alexandra-barrantes
Pali Lehohla. Statistician­‐General. South Africa Alexandra Barrantes. Section Chief, Equity Promotion Section. Organization of the American States









Videos and Presentations from the MPPN 2015 Meeting

Publicado el: October 2nd, 2015 Por MPPN

The third annual meeting of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network was hosted by the Government of Colombia from 2-3 June 2015 in Cartagena. More than 100 policymakers and senior officials came together for the two-day meeting to discuss developing and applying multidimensional poverty measures.


Keynote Speeches




President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia Keynote Speech  



Costa Rica
Ana Helena Chacón Echeverría, Vice-president of Costa Rica Estrategia Nacional para la Reducción de la Pobreza pdf-icon-transparent-background2


Round Table Discussion: Colombian Ministers Share their Experiences of Working with the MPI

Colombia Moderator: José Aguilar, Fundación Acción Joven – Horizonte Positivo, Costa Rica Alejandro Gaviria – Minister of Health and Social Protection

Gina Parody – Minister of Education

Luis Garzón – Vice-Minister of Labour

Luis Henao – Minister of Housing, City and Territory



Setting the Stage: Introduction to the MPPN Meeting



Dr Sabina Alkire, OPHI/George Washington University Introduction to the MPPN Meeting pdf-icon-transparent-background2



Sharing of Practice on Multidimensional Measurement



 Tatyana Orozco de la Cruz, Director of the Department for Social Prosperity, Colombia  El Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional en la política pública La experiencia de Colombia  pdf-icon-transparent-background2




 Yi Zhang, Household Survey Office, NBS  Overview of China’s Multidimensional Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation   pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon
 South Africa


 Pali Lehohla, Statistician­‐General  Equity and Access Poverty knowledge in South Africa  pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Dr. Celia M. Reyes, Senior Research Fellow, PIDS and CBMS Network Leader Monitoring Multidimensional Poverty in the Philippines pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Doctor Jorge Ramón Hernández Alcerro, Secretario Coordinador General de Gobierno La construcción del índice de pobreza multidimensional en Honduras pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Enrique González Tiburcio Ministry of Social Development Multidimensional Poverty Index in Mexico: Public Policy uses against Poverty and Vulnerability pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon
Dominican   Republic
Matilde Chavez Bonetti, Vicepresidencia de República Dominicana
Índice de Pobreza Multidimensional en la República Dominicana pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


 Andres Mideiros, Secretario Técnico para la Superación de la Pobreza Pobreza multidimensional en Ecuador: Enfoque de derechos para el buen vivir. pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Mai Nguyen Hoang Progress on Application of Multidimensional Poverty Approach in Vietnam pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Enver Tasti, Turkish Statistical Institute Poverty studies in Turkey  pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


The Global Stage

Dr Sabina Alkire, OPHI/George Washington University The SDGs and the windows they open pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Designing and Communicating the MPI

Laura Estrada, Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística  Prácticas de Comunicación:
Experiencia Colombiana


Practical Applications and Case Studies

El Salvador


Jimmy Velasquez, UNDP El Salvador La Pobreza desde la Mirada de sus Protagonistas pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Marconi Fernandes de Sousa, Department of Monitoring SAGI/MDS Multidimensional Poverty Analysis in Brazil video_icon


Dr Xiaolin Wang, IPRCC Policy on Accurate Multidimensional
Poverty Alleviation in China


Enrique González Tiburcio, Secretaria
de Desarrollo
Cruzada Nacional contra el Hambre pdf-icon-transparent-background2






Adriana Conconi

Bouba Housseini

James Foster

Global MPI: Main findings and analysis pdf-icon-transparent-background2video_icon


Final Communiqué pdf-icon-transparent-background2


3rd MPPN Annual Meeting in Cartagena, Colombia, 2015

Publicado el: August 2nd, 2015 Por MPPN

The third annual meeting of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network was hosted by the Government of Colombia from 2-3 June 2015 in Cartagena. More than 100 policymakers and senior officials came together for the two-day meeting to discuss developing and applying multidimensional poverty measures.

View resources from the event: